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Two currencies officially circulate simultaneously: the Cuban Peso and the Peso Convertible witch is equivalent to the American dollar. The first can be used to pay only at establishments which offer services for the national population. At tourist facilities, shops, restaurants and hotels, the prices are in Pesos Convertibles. You should try to arrive with any other currency but the American dollar, witch have been definitely taken out of circulation since the 15 November 2004 . Nonetheless, if you arrive in Cuba with American dollars you can change it for any other currency; including the peso convertible witch replaces it in the Cuban economy, but the rate of exchange will be less 10% of its recognized value. To change your currency, you can go to any national and international banks and/or exchange offices that work in the island. Any other internationally recognized currency can be exchanged in these banks even if the rates of exchange may be lower tan the international ones. MasterCard, Visa, CABAL and BFI credit cards are accepted in most establishments, if American banks have not issued them. Visa and Amex Traveler’s checks are exchangeable in most banks. It is possible to send money to a friend or a parent in Cuba fron anywhere in the world through specialised services.
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