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Cubans are friendly people. You'll be elated by their straightforward approach to life. Crime is minimal but exists, don't wear flashy jewellery in the street and don't leave valuables in your car, even in the trunk. Hotel's have stringent 'guest' rules and oblige all guests to be properly introduced to the reception.

If you are invited to a Cuban home for dinner it is customary to bring either wine or a small gift for your hosts. Rum is the national drink and can be very deceiving for newcomers.

Drink bottled water at all times.

At the private restaurants, called "paladares", you can find good Cuban food, prices are moderate and the service is excellent. Payments at the streets or the small private businesses can be in Cuban pesos or US Dollars, exchange rates are about 20 pesos for one dollar, so, 5 cents is 1 cuban peso, 50 cents are 10 pesos and so on.

For electric appliances bring a flat spike adapter. Electricity is 110 V 60 Hz, although in the modern hotels at Havana and Varadero also provide 220 V.

When travelling around don't forget to carry a still camera or video camera, otherwise you may miss the opportunity of grabbing an image of architecture or everyday life which is worth a shot or two. Keep your camera safe.

Always carry some cash, in many places credit cards are not accepted.

Take an official Taxi. Private taxis are simply not worth the hassle.

Cash can be obtained at abundant tellers around town. There is no charge for credit card debits. Credit cards drawn on a U.S. bank are not accepted in Cuba.
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